Friday, May 13, 2011

Worst. Blogger. Ever,

Not that I consider myself a 'blogger' in any way, shape or form. I have a serious case of envy for those that can take a topic and put their own spin on it that incites hundreds of people to follow, tweet, digg, stumble and all of the other mysterious social networking things that I am slowly trying to familiarize myself with. while I don't think I am a complete moron when it comes to all things online, I am definitely behind the curve. My one and only college computer class taught Wordstar and predated the world wide web. For that matter, my last foray into the real working world was so long ago that Windows was something that put a neat little icon on my screen that did nothing bur promise cool things to come and lock up the computer if you dared to click on it.
But my intentions are good....even if my mastery of the blogger dashboard leaves something to be desired!

All of which leads me to this - my 'congrats, you won' post has been languishing in 'drafts' since I created it, unbeknownst to me. did it occur to me that no one had emailed me to claim their prize? for a moment, but that was when the plague swept through my house, dropping the kids like flies. And the subsequent trips to the doctor, followed by the whining (mostly my own!).

And as we returned to normal, the storms hit. That is a whole 'nother post in itself. Five days without power, hot showers and ATMS. Grocery stores not able to run debit or credit cards... and even if they could, no fresh food. No power to the gas pumps. No ice to save what food you could (again, a topic deserving it's own post). But we were fortunate!

So scroll down a bit. I recovered the post that has been hiding. And since I made you wait so long, a little gift! Enter the discount code ' thankyou ' at checkout for a 10% discount on your order

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